Core Logic Technologies

Popular Services


  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 11-15
  • Establishment Year 2011
  • Keyword(s) Structured Cabling and Data Centres, Security Systems (CCTV), Control Systems, Audio-Visual Systems, Video-Conferencing Systems, Hotel Solutions, SMATV / IPTV Systems, Access Control Systems, Interactive Whiteboard & Energy Saving


Our Services

  • Structured Cabling and Data Centres
  • Security Systems (CCTV), Control Systems
  • Audio-Visual Systems
  • Video-Conferencing Systems
  • Hotel Solutions, SMATV / IPTV Systems
  • Access Control Systems
  • Interactive Whiteboard & Energy Saving

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Ad details

Ad ID : 176
Office No 206, Opal Tower Burj Khalifa Street Business Bay Dubai, UAE

Seller details

arsalan (1)
97xxx xxxxx show
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Core Logic Technologies

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