New Century Computers LLC

Popular Services


  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 1-5
  • Company Name New Century Computers LLC
  • Establishment Year 1995
  • Keyword(s) Annual Maintanance Contract of Computers and Networking, Sales of peripherals, Repair of printers and monitors, Structured cabling, Networking, Sales of software operating systems, Application software and all other types of software, Internet sharing, Data recovery from crashed, damaged, formatted hard drives, server space


Our Services

Annual Maintanance Contract of Computers and Networking
Sales of peripherals
Repair of printers and monitors
Structured cabling
Sales of software operating systems
Application software and all other types of software
Internet sharing
Data recovery from crashed, damaged, formatted hard drives, server space.

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Ad ID : 186
Al meena road ,Rollah , sharjah, Sharjah, Emirates

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New Century Computers LLC

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