Maintenance Services Dubai

Popular Services


  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 16-25
  • Business Hours Saturday to Thursday 9am - 6Pm
  • Establishment Year 2014
  • Keyword(s) Handyman, plumber, electrician, ac technician, plumbing services, handyman services, electrical services


If you are looking for an affordable, trusted and reliable maintenance and technical services company, then you have to look no further than BusinessBid. We cater to all handyman, plumbing, electrical and AC repair services for both your office and home. Based in Dubai, we operate all over Dubai and Sharjah and have been helping businesses and residents for their everyday tasks - whether they need building, fixing, repair services or maintenance. All our technical partners are trained, qualified, and highly skilled and have immense experience in the building and construction industry. We completely understand that a customer is only truly satisfied when we are punctual, complete projects within budgets, on time and at affordable prices. You can be assured that no job is too small or big for us and we work on projects of all scales and sizes. We guarantee to look after your service needs.


Plumbers in Dubai

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Ad details

Ad ID : 229
Suite 503-H, Level 5, Indigo Icon Tower, Cluster F, JLT POBox393507 Dubai

Seller details

Gregory Morris (1)
04xxx xxxxx show
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Maintenance Services Dubai

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