Best dubai upholstery | sofakingdubai

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  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 11-15
  • Company Name Sofaking Dubai
  • Total Annual Revenue Less than US$1 Million
  • Establishment Year 2010
  • Keyword(s) sofa upholstery dubai, upholstery dubai, curtain shops in dubai, curtains in dubai, house curtains dubai


Upholstery Dubai -We specialize in Sofa Repair & Reupholstery. Chair Upholstery, Re-furbishing, Dining Chair, Hotel Furniture Upholstery at best cost in UAE

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3 17 A Street Al Quoze Ind'l Area 02 Opposit Jotun Paint Factory

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Best dubai upholstery | sofakingdubai

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