Al Laith Scaffholding LLC

Popular Rent


  • Company Name Al Laith Scaffholding LLC
  • Total Annual Revenue Above US$1 Million
  • Establishment Year 1995
  • Keyword(s) Rent Scaffolding, Mastclimbers, BMU, Cradles, Powered Access, Contract Scaffolding
  • ISO Certified ISO 9001:2015


The Al Laith Group

Al Laith is dedicated to providing creative access, temporary structures, and overlay services for the construction and events industries.

Safety, service, reliability and innovation is what we have built our reputation on.

Building BIG ideas and delivering solutions in the MENA region since 1995.


What We Do


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Ad ID : 85
Al Qouz 2, UAE , DUBAI

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Al Laith Scaffholding LLC

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