Blue Royal Diamond Building Maintenance LLC

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  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 201-500
  • Company Name Blue Royal Diamond Building Maintenance LLC
  • Total Annual Revenue N/A
  • Establishment Year 2011
  • Keyword(s) Block Plaster Mason, Painters, Welders, Electricians,Plumbers, Air Conditioning Mechanics, Tile Masons, Scaffolders, Helpers
  • ISO Certified N/A
  • WhatsApp NA



Block Plaster Mason, Painters, Welders, Electricians,Plumbers, Air Conditioning Mechanics, Tile Masons, Scaffolders, Helpers

Main Scope of work - Jobs

Block Works, Plastering, Tile Fixing,Screeding. Civil Carpentary. Steel Fixing


Blue Royal Diamond draws together and empowers highly experienced skilled and unskilled labours from diverse fields to lend their services to leading companies, enabling those companies to achieve their target in an scheduled timeframe. Established in 2011, Blue Royal Diamond has an enviable track record in completing the assigned projects on time.

The company’s initial focus is on general contracting, executing civil and mechanical engineering projects of varying magnitudes.
Our on-going positive engagements with clients have helped to identify and establish us as reliable partners to companies engaged in civil construction and Interior Fit out works.

Since our founding in early 2011, we have been moving forward aggressively on many fronts to capitalize on solid growth opportunities, to expand our presence within the UAE, and to enhance our core capabilities. Our strong relationships with customers give us a platform from which to sharpen our skills in varied fields.

In the coming years we plan on being even more effective in how we leverage these relationships and interact with industries to address the many challenges that lay ahead in the General Contracting Industry.

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Ad ID : 194
Blue Royal Diamond Building Maintenance LLC P O Box 81190 Dubai United Arab Emirates

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Blue Royal Diamond Building Maintenance LLC

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