Lifeng Furniture - Manufacturer, Trading Company

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  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 11-15
  • Company Name Dongguan Lifeng Furniture Co., Ltd.
  • Total Annual Revenue Above US$1 Million
  • Establishment Year 2005
  • Keyword(s) Living room Sectional sofa Recliner Chair Ottoman Bedroom Bed Night stand Headboard Study room Sofabed Dining room Dining table Dining chair
  • ISO Certified N/A
  • WhatsApp NA


About us

With over 10 years in the home upholstery furniture, Simon Lai decided to use his experience and knowledge of home furniture to establish his manufacture company in 2005. 

Over the last 7 years, we had exceptional success with our leather and fabric corner sofa, sofa bed and chairs, with main markets in the North America. Since the year of 2010, we expanded our markets to South America. With a new series of beds being developed, we began to explore market in Europe and Oceania and won good reputation with constant orders from customers there. 

Our aim is to meet more friends and customers from all over the world to share ideas and designs. And we warmly welcome designs from our friends and customers and we will try our utmost to make the thoughts true. 

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Ad ID : 227
4th Building, Baisheng Industrial Zone, Datang Village, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan

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Lifeng Furniture - Manufacturer, Trading Company

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