A/C Maintenance , Electrical, Plumbing , Appliances

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AED 350.00


  • Seller Type Business
  • Business Hours Sunday to Thursday 9am - 6Pm



Toolman is a maintenance company operating in Dubai and other Emirates with customer service, reliability and trust at the heart of its business model. Toolman allows you to enjoy quality repairs and maintenance services through our Annual Maintenance Contracts. We offer a full range of on-call maintenance services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for all types of properties including residential, retail units, restaurants, offices, warehouses and buildings.


Annual Maintenance Contracts. Residential, retail units, restaurantsofficeswarehouses buildings.



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Ad ID : 28
2304 Prism Tower, Business Bay - Dubai

Seller details

warangkunal (1)
04xxx xxxxx show
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A/C Maintenance , Electrical, Plumbing , Appliances

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